Monday, November 21, 2011


Tim went to Nepal for a conference last week (we'll have a post soon with some of his photos), but I was still chillin' in Jakarta, so Ben and Erin kindly invited me to join them for a hike in the foothills outside of the city, near Sentul City.

The area where we hiked is part of a park of some sort (they actually held the mountain biking portion of the SEA Games right near where we hiked), yet we were the only hikers there. Lots of people mountain biking and a few on dirt bikes, but no other hikers. We definitely got funny looks and "where the heck are you going?" from the locals. Ben and Erin said the best response to that question is "jalan-jalan," which is basically "we're just wandering."

The scenery was nice: lots of small mountains, agricultural land (we saw lemongrass, rice, coffee and cassava, among other things), a little bit o' jungle, some pine forest. 
So sweaty!


  1. P.S. Glad you are representing the amaizing St. Lucie Mets!

    (Yes, amaizing was spelled that way on purpose)


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